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The Riff Raff Podcast #48 - Holly Ringland

Holly Ringland, The Riff Raff

Eagle-eyed Riff Raff readers – and bat-eared listeners – will already know that Holly Ringland has already been and gone at The Riff Raff, having read from her sumptuous debut novel The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart at our July event. But Holly is one of the most articulate authors on the subject of writing that we have ever met so it was our pleasure – nay, duty – to bring you a podcast featuring yet more of her incredible wisdom.

If you are having a wobble with your writing, you need to listen to Holly's episode. When we weren't holding back tears or trying not to jump across the desk for a hug, we covered a huge amount in a short space of time: the appeal of female narratives, and the reward of exploring female friendships in literature; how to approach descriptive writing so that it evokes the senses without overloading your reader (or 'too much pate and not enough biscuit' as an old English teacher of Holly's once told her) and why, for even the most talented writers, it's the reader who will bring your story to life, for they are the ones that get to love and loathe your characters, demand more, and take away lessons you could never have imagined you'd created.

Ladies and gents, attune your ears please to the colourful, magical but far from fairytale world of Holly Ringland and Alice Hart's Lost Flowers.

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