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5 things we learnt at The Riff Raff in August
We could have shared 100, but we only have so much time.
20 things we learned at The Riff Raff in June
Embracing the "f*ck it" moment.
5 writing tips we learned at our May meet up
And happy birthday to us!
Here's what happened at The Riff Raff March meet up
Ignoring the rules, walking the dog and writing our way to greatness.
5 things we learned at The Riff Raff January writers' night
6 - Amy is never allowed to leave again.
Here's everything that happened at our festive December meet up
Mis-shapen mince pie, anyone?
Here's everything that happened at The Riff Raff October writers' night
Robots, realism and 'deathing it up'
We told Time Out to f**k off. Here's what happened next.
It was an accident though!
9 things we learned at The Riff Raff's September meet up
It was standing room only for our two (and four) legged friends.
Here's everything that happened at The Riff Raff writers' meet up in August
Who knew a group of authors could be so much fun?
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